Tuesday 2 March 2010

Something smells good...

I'm getting a bit of a reputation at work for stinking out the office at lunch time. Guilty! And I'm not ashamed of it. I am making it my mission at work to make sure everyone smells my delicious lunch and drools! Well, not quite but for the last week I'm afraid work colleagues have religiously started popping their faces round the office door to find out what I have made that day. So I thought I would share a few of my favourite, drool-tastic lunch meals:
Cous Cous with Roasted Vegetables and Chorizo
Roast a selection of vegetables for 30 -40 mins with olive oil, garlic and seasoning of your choice. I like to roast mushrooms, aubergine, courgette, yellow pepper, red pepper, red onion and even a little butter squash! Chop them up into small bit size pieces, roast them up and then make your couscous. Mix altogether (and if you have made a large batch you can freeze some) then pop into your lunch tupperware with some chorizo (make sure it is the cooked kind, any size will do). The key to making your work colleagues jealous though is to pop it in the microwave for 2 mins so the juicy flavours of the chorizo melt into the couscous. Tastes amazing and guaranteed 'head popping' will follow....
Lentil Soup with Smoked Bacon
I take a flask of soup in with me most weeks but my all time favourite soup is Lentil with Smoked Bacon. I've tried many recipes but here is one I found earlier (although I blend it up) - read it here
Give your soup a quick blast in the microwave or on the stove if you have one at work. Cue 'head popping'...
Leftovers with green salad
This is an excellent meal for lunch, it works well with any leftovers from the night before; chicken, salmon etc. Grab some salad leaves - I like spinach, rocket and watercress but any will do! Mix in some avocado, cherry tomatoes, celery, cucumber etc whatever you want from a salad really. Add a little garlic olive oil (what? you don't make your own?) then wrap your fish or meat up in tin foil. Add the salad and fish/meat to a tupperware tub. When you are ready, unwrap and place the fish/meat on a plate to heat up - 2 to 3 minutes in microwave then serve with your salad. The head popping will start when you are half way through your lunch...
Creamy Chicken Mousaka
Ok this is a funny one but it's basically Mousaka but with Chicken instead of beef and Boursin instead of tomatoes...this is a great one when you have time to make it but basically...slice your aubergine length ways and sprinkle with salt. Leave for a couple of hours so water soaks out and the bitterness of the Aubergine is removed. When ready, start to fry using a griddle pan and olive oil. Set to one side, you are basically preparing 'lasagna' sheets. Then soften up some onions in butter, takes 10 - 15 mins. When ready add the chicken, cook it up. Once the chicken is cooked I like to add Asparagus at this stage if I'm feeling flush, mushrooms and spinach too are good at this stage. Then once, you have cooked all your vegetables mix in some Boursin and Crème fraiche. Once melted start to layer up like you are making Lasagna then finish with parmesan grated on top. Cook in the oven until golden brown. Take a portion to work, heat it up and yet again your lunch will be the envy of your colleagues...

Oh did I mention I don't work in an office on Fridays so I usually forget about lunch but cook an amazing dinner...

So, make yourself the smelliest person at work. Make and take some amazing lunches with you, it's economical and you will be the culinary goddess of your work place too!

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